Welcome new members to this forum where you can introduce yourself to the community. As a last minute reminder, please read this rules so that you can avoid trouble and getting banned from here. 1. New Members' Only
- This forum is STRICTLY for new members. Do not make your own topic if you are already a member and have already made a topic on this forum. A 4% Warning Points will be put on you.
2. Introducing Self as a New Member
- If you introduce yourself again as a new member but you are already a member from another account and at least have a topic here with either accounts, you would risk getting both accounts BANNED. This rule is actually on the Forum Rules so please take note of this.
3. New Members' Format
- The format below doesn't need to be completed but it is your choice if you want to fill these or not.
Outstanding Traits:
Negative Traits:
4. Help in a game
- New Members', please do not post here about needing some help of a certain game unless it is considered on one of your introductory topics, we will allow that. But on the other hand, if you are gonna make a topic that just needs help of a certain game, go to the specific platform of that game.