Welcome members as well as staff to this forum. As a last minute reminder, we would like you to follow and abide by the rules of this forum as well as our Forum Rules. 1. Suggestions only
- Don't make "chit-chat" topics or "chit-chat" posts. If you are, you also need to stay on-topic as well. But completely "chit-chat" posts will be deleted.
2. Suggesting a forum
- If you are gonna suggest a forum, post your suggestion on the sticky topic. We won't accept suggestions if you create a topic but we suggest that you post it on the stickied topic named "Suggest a Forum".
3. Suggesting improvements
- Make a topic for that. Cite in what you want to suggest as well as a detailed explanation to increase the chance of an admin responding to your topic.
4. Don't advertise
- Keep it to your signatures only. Don't advertise here. This forum is only used for suggesting. This is not an "Off-topic Chat'